The face of London was now indeed strangely altered:
I mean the whole mass of buildings, city, liberties, suburbs,
Westminster, Southwark… in the whole the face of things,
I say, was much altered’
Daniel Defoe, Journal of the Plague Year (1722)
Home Work 2020 is an anthology of work from the graduating students on the BA (Hons) Photography degree at London South Bank University. All proceeds from sales of the book will go to support a student exhibition in 2021.
In a year when terms like social distancing and lockdown became part of everyday speech, Home Work 2020 brings together the work of an exceptional year of graduates. The title implies both the physical reality of their spaces for making and learning over the past months of working from home. It also points towards the work of these students as being in a state of preparation for something, for what amounts to new ways of conceiving, producing and disseminating images. (Excerpt from intro text by Simon Terrill)
Book design: Daniel Alexander
Editors: Simon Terrill and Daniel Alexander
Printed by Push Print
Published by Ottoby Press, London, August 2020
ISBN 978-1-9163852-1-4
Edition of 300
With Monochrome Eyes was published to coincide with the exhibition of the same name, curated by Tom Lovelace in the Borough Road Gallery in February 2020.
With Monochrome Eyes presents the work of sixteen lens-based artists, bringing a focus onto the use of greyscale within contemporary photographic practice. Each artist has contributed one black and white work and one colour work, connected through ideas, negotiations and depictions of the body. In the exhibition these works were displayed in two separated but connected spaces in a gallery bisected by a slatted wall. In the book the works are printed on different paperstocks.
The exhibition and publication are part of a larger research inquiry, investigating the continued use of greyscale as a mode of representation, existing alongside, or in opposition, to the technicolour landscape of digital technology in which we are immersed.
Tom Lovelace
Featured Artists: Eleonora Agostini, Elena Helfrecht, Mahtab Hussain, Ben Jeffery, Äsa Johannesson, Kalpesh Lathigra, Ryan L.Moule, Martin Parr, Giovanna Petrocchi, Silvia Rosi, Martin Seeds, Senta Simond, Deo Suveera, Esther Teichmann, Paloma Tendero, Simon Terrill.
First Published by Ottoby Press, London, 2020,
Art direction and book design: Daniel Alexander
ISBN: 978-1-9163852-0-7
Edition of 100,
Constructed Redware presents a collection of work by Ceramicist Amanda-Sue Rope. The hand-stitched book interweaves photographs documenting the making process and the final work within images of Rope’s sketchbook pages.
First Published by Ottoby Press, London, 2019,
Art direction, photography and book design: Daniel Alexander
Edition of 30,
If you stand still you will be sharp in the final photograph. If you move on the spot you will blur.
If you walk you will disappear and join the ghosts in the image.
10 projects, 14 years, over 2,000 people in front of the camera and a couple of hundred behind it, resulting in 10 large scale photographic artworks, exhibited under the title Crowd Theory. The images in this book are collected from all 10 of the events where the works were made.
Crowd, Simon Terrill
Published January 2019 by the Artist in an edition of 3
Exhibited in the 2019 exhibition Simon Terrill: Crowd Theory at the Centre for Contemporary Photography Melbourne
Image selection: Simon Terrill & Daniel Alexander
Design: Daniel Alexander at Ottoby Press