The north-east corner of the Campus Charité Mitte, Berlin. Left to right: autopsy rooms and pathology labs, chapel, anatomy theatre.
Chapel north end: The former brain stores now awaiting conversion. These recently vacated cabinets held the specimens; the motto around the rose window reads 'Christ Is My Life, Death Is My Victory'.
Chapel west door: Anatomy specimens are stored in the cellar.
Medical Historical Museum cellars: From 2011, the new resting-place for the brains.
Medical Historical Museum cellars: From 2011, the new resting-place for the brains. (Detail)
Brandenburg State Hospital: Haus 40 (exterior), Designed as a private patients' kitchen when the hospital was built around 1910, the house served as a pathology lab by the late 1930s.
Brandenburg State Hospital: Haus 40 (interior), Designed as a private patients' kitchen when the hospital was built around 1910, the house served as a pathology lab by the late 1930s.
Cemetery chapel, The Görden hospital has a large secluded cemetery where former patients and staff are buried, as well as other local residents. Many of the graves are now unmarked. 'God Is Love' is inscribed above the door of its chapel, built before World War I.
Children's cemetery: the grave of Alfred, Günther and Herbert K (2003): These boys suffered from a rare hereditary neural disease and were likely murdered in 1942 and 1944, aged seven, two and one. The preserved parts of their brains were buried at a funeral in 2003 after having been returned from a neuropathology collection in Vienna.
Children's cemetery: the graves of twins Werner and Günter Binder (1941): These twins had been diagnosed with hydrocephalus and megalencephaly, causing enlargement of the brain and head, but their official cause of death was pneumonia following scarlet fever. They died on the same day in May 1941, just short of their sixth birthday.
Brains: The Mind as Matter Exhibition at the Wellcome Collection
Brains: The Mind as Matter Exhibition at the Wellcome Collection
Exhibition at the Charite, Berlin